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  • Mandatory Reporter Responsibility under Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA)

    All higher education personnel must report cases of suspected child abuse or neglect.

  • E-Verify Preparation

    A University workgroup has been convened to monitor Executive Order 12989 and prepare for implementation, if necessary.

  • SURS Pension Reform

    This article includes information on the changes to the State of Illinois Pension Code (Public Act 96-0889) that impact the State Universities Retirement System (SURS), effective January 1, 2011.   

  • ARR-HR Projects Launched

    This fall semester, three projects were launched to address five of the ARR-HR subcommittee recommendations. The steering team overseeing these projects...       

  • Severe Weather Procedures for UA Employees

    In severe weather conditions, it is important that we reaffirm our commitment to the safety and well-being of our employees by working with employees who wish to leave work early or are unable to report to work.       

  • New University Policies

    New and revised policies are announced to address the Protection of Minors and Prohibition of Sex Discrimination, Sexual Harassment, and Sexual Misconduct.

  • Interim University Furlough Policy

    President and Chancellors issue an Interim University Policy on Furloughs, which will allow the University to require employees to take unpaid furlough days, if needed.

  • Revised Form I-9 required as of April 3, 2009

    A revised version of the Form I-9 has been issued by USCIS. The revised Form I-9 must only be used on and after April 3, 2009.

  • FINALIZED - SURS Process for Making Up Contributions for Furlough Days

    The process for making up SURS contributions for furlough days has been finalized.

  • Holiday Schedules 2010-2011

    The 2010-2011 holiday schedules for the University are now available.   

  • Pre-Tax vs. Post-Tax Make Up Contributions for Furlough Days

    Employees have asked how to make up contributions for furlough days on a pre-tax basis to SURS. 

  • Tracker I-9 Outage on June 27 at 5 PM

    Tracker will be down temporarily for system maintenance.

  • Extreme Weather Announcement

    Extreme weather is predicted to impact Illinois beginning today and continuing through tomorrow.  Please refer to the appropriate website for regularly updated information on weather-related closings and cancellations.       

  • New Version of Form I-9 Issued

    A new version of the Form I-9 dated 8/7/2009 (expires 8/31/2012) is now available.

  • Savings Bonds Enrollment Opportunity

    Savings Bonds Enrollment Opportunity