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SMMC News & Events Blog
This blog highlights news, events, and informative articles on personal finance from University of Illinois System's Student Money Management Center. Feel free to navigate to different categories with the list of topics on the right or search for a specific topic next to the view all link below.
Facilitator Guides

blog posts

  • Facilitator Guide - How to Throw a Webinar Watch Party

    We aren't able to accommodate workshops by request, but we have dozens of webinar recordings on YouTube and plan new, live webinars each academic year on different financial topics. You can empower your peers or students with increased financial knowledge by throwing a webinar watch party.

  • Woman raising arms in excitement with "Kahoot Game Guide: Cash at College" overlaid

    Kahoot Tutorial: Cash at College - Spending, Saving & Student Loans

    Want to facilitate a game with your student group or class? Use the Cash at College - Spending, Saving, & Student Loans Kahoot Guide to teach your students about financial tools, budgeting, credit, options for paying college costs, and ways of maximizing career potential while in school.

  • Podcast: Back to School - College & Credit

    In episode 90 of Making Cents of Money, Back to School: College & Credit, Kimber & Andrea discuss credit cards and financing options for students and families, including the different tools and their short and long-term impacts.

  • Basic Needs & Needs Insecurity

    Podcast: Basic Needs & Needs Insecurity

    In episode 95 of Making Cents of Money, basic needs and needs security and some adjacent terms, like financial fragility, are discussed by our co-hosts, Kimber and Andrea.

  • Podcast: Cost of Living

    In episode 94 of Making Cents of Money, Andrea and Kimber discuss the cost of living and why it matters when comparing costs and how far your dollars will go if you relocate.

  • Costs of Car Ownership

    Podcast: Costs of Car Ownership

    In episode 98 of Making Cents of Money, Kimber and Andrea talk about the costs of car ownership and what to consider when deciding on if a vehicle is a need or a want for you. 

  • Financial Socialization

    Podcast: Financial Socialization

    In episode 99 of Making Cents of Money, Andrea and Kimber discuss financial socialization, how it develops, who contributes to it, and what it means for our relationship with money.

  • Podcast: Financial Wellness Concepts

    In episode 88 of Making Cents of Money, Financial Wellness Concepts, Nikki and Andrea discuss several terms that are often used interchangeably related to financial wellness and their definitions.

  • Podcast: Goodbye Nikki, Hello Kimber!

    In episode 89 of Making Cents of Money, Goodbye Nikki, Hello Kimber!, we have a bitter sweet send-off to long-time host, Nikki Giancola-Shanks but welcome a new voice, Kimber Beckler, to the show.

  • On Ramp to Repayment Ends September 30 for Federal Student Loan Borrowers

    Podcast: On Ramp to Repayment Ends 9/30 for Federal Loan Borrowers

    In episode 93 of Making Cents of Money, Brad Fletcher joins us yet again to talk about the On Ramp to Repayment ending on September 30, 2024, and what that means for borrowers currently in repayment.

  • Podcast episode 91: Retirement Savings in Illinois

    Podcast: Retirement Savings in Illinois

    In episode 91 of Making Cents of Money, Retirement Savings in Illinois, Christine Cheng from the Illinois Treasurer's office discusses how Illinois is addressing barriers to planning for retirement and helping small businesses provide retirement benefits to their employees.

  • Saving Money on Holiday Travel text over photo of a toy plane and gift on pink table

    Podcast: Saving Money on Holiday Travel

    In episode 97 of Making Cents of Money, Andrea and Kimber discuss a variety of ways to save on travel during the holidays (and beyond)! 

  • Zombie Properties & Mortgages

    Podcast: Zombie Properties & Mortgages

    In episode 96 of Making Cents of Money, Kari Beyer from IDFPR's Division of Banking is back to discuss the dangers of zombie mortgages and zombie properties in this special halloween-themed edition.