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SitePublish Support

SitePublish-related communications will be posted here for releases, outages, refreshes, and other information for website Administrators and Content Managers.

blog posts

  • SitePublish TEST refresh Thursday, October 3

    All SitePublish test environments (TEST) are scheduled to be refreshed on Thursday, October 3, 2024.

    All content in TEST will be recreated from a copy of all production environments. Refreshes from production will overwrite content in TEST; users need to move any content they wish to keep from TEST prior to the refresh.

    • DEV is refreshed the first Thursday of March and August; 
    • TEST is refreshed the first Thursday of May and October.
  • SitePublish DEV refresh Thursday, August 1

    All SitePublish development environments (DEV) are scheduled to be refreshed on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

    All content in DEV will be recreated from a copy of all production environments. Refreshes from production will overwrite content in DEV; users need to move any content they wish to keep from DEV prior to the refresh.

    • DEV is refreshed the first Thursday of March and August; 
    • TEST is refreshed the first Thursday of May and October.
  • Upgrade and File Administration

    SitePublish production has been updated.

    One important change with the new version to enhance security: File Administration requires VPN access.

    File Administration is enabled again in the new version (Site Admin > File Administration), but it requires VPN access to work properly. Use File Administration to manage and link to files on the server.

    Please review your websites and contact Todd Nelson ( with any questions or issues.

  • Production Upgrade Saturday, June 8

    All SitePublish-hosted production sites will be upgraded to a newer software version on Saturday, June 8th.

    The upgrade process will begin at 7am and may last a few hours. Websites may be temporarily unavailable during this event.

  • Welcome to the new SitePublish Service Blog

    Welcome to the new SitePublish Service Blog! We've had some issues with the previous blog service; we're now using Webtools blogs going forward.

    Information will be posted here regarding new releases, outages, refreshes, and other information for SitePublish Administrators and Content Managers.