Over half of students at the University of Illinois take out loans to fund their degrees. Make sure you're not surprised by the amount of student loans you have taken out when you graduate by taking the Know What You Owe Challenge.
See how much you owe, your anticipated monthly payment and more.
Already enter during another campaign period? Enter again! Regularly checking your student loan balances can help control your debt.
You can self-enroll in the Moodle course at http://go.uillinois.edu/knowwhatyouowe to complete the quiz. If you have questions about the quiz or trouble accessing the course, please email studentmoney@uillinois.edu.
Quiz submissions and entries will close on June 15, 2019. Winners will be announced via email. Five winners will be selected based on quiz completion results.
*To be eligible for this promotion, you must be a U.S. citizen.
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