April is recognized as National Financial Literacy Month to encourage understanding personal finances and promoting financial well-being through saving and investing. A number of resources and events are available to assist you:
Up-coming Campus Seminars – Investment and saving for retirement seminars will be held throughout April at each campus.
Free Counseling with Fidelity and TIAA-CREF – Free one-on-one counseling is available for faculty and staff at on-campus locations to discuss 403(b) and SURS SMP topics.
See NESSIE for more resources, including: checklists for different stages of employment, details on the State of Illinois 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, rollovers from prior employer plans, and more.
The University of Illinois Extension blog “Plan Well, Retire Well” provides resources and education on financial literacy topics.
The University’s 403(b) Plan vendors also have tools, videos, and other resources available online:
Focused on day to day expenses? Just starting to save? Saving but wondering if you’re on track? Preparing to retire? TIAA-CREF has resources available to address every stage in your financial journey at tiaa-cref.org/nflm
Living Well in Retirement – A printable TIAA-CREF guide to managing your income and expenses.
Fidelity Investments
Roth 403(b) – Interested in the University’s Roth option? Fidelity’s 9-minute presentation can help.
Getting on Track with your workplace savings plan – This Fidelity e-learning course can help clarify savings and investment options for retirement.
Creating a Plan for Lifetime Income in Retirement – A printable Fidelity resource guide.