All Illinois employers are required to display information on the State of Illinois wage and hour laws. With the July 1st increase in the State minimum wage, an updated copy of the Employers and Employee Notice must be displayed. Additionally, the Minimum Wage Mandatory Notice must also be posted. Both posters can be found on the Required Federal and State Posters page of the UHR web site, or by contacting the Illinois Department of Labor (IDOL) at:
Illinois Department of Labor
Fair Labor Standards Division
160 N. LaSalle Street, Suite C-1300
Chicago, IL 60601
You may also be aware that the Federal minimum wage has increased. Because the State of Illinois minimum wage is higher than the Federal minimum wage, we are already in compliance with the Federal minimum wage. However, we are still required to display the Federal minimum wage poster, in addition to the State of Illinois posters described above. The Federal poster can also be found on the UHR web site indicated above.
Both State and Federal posters must be displayed in a conspicuous place so as to permit employees to readily read it. If you have questions about these requirements, contact the IDOL Fair Labor Standards Division at 1-800-478-3998 or the Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. DOL at 1-866-4-USWAGE.