How can I verify my Benefit Choice elections?
You may review your online Benefit Statement, which shows your benefits coverage that will be in place as of July 1, 2011. This online tool allows University employees to view a statement of their current and past benefit elections, including both mandatory and voluntary University of Illinois and State of Illinois benefit plans. You will see the plans that you selected including health, dental, flexible spending accounts and other voluntary benefit programs, if you participate in them. Please note, however, that SURS information is not currently included in this statement.
How do I view my Benefit Statement?
Go to, click "Continue", click on your HR campus affiliation (Urbana, Chicago or Springfield) and log in using your Enterprise ID. If you do not have an Enterprise ID and Password, instructions on how to obtain one are provided at this site. Once you have selected the HR campus and logged into the application, you will click on "Employee", "Benefits and Deductions", "Benefit Statement" and finally on the "Select" button to view your July 1, 2011 Benefit Statement.
Who do I contact for assistance with my Enterprise ID and password?
Go to, or email the AITS Service Desk at or contact the appropriate AITS help desk: Urbana/Springfield 217-333-3102, Chicago 312-996-4806.
What dependent or other documentation do I need to provide for Benefit Choice?
Dependents: Documentation is required to add eligible dependents to any plan, including life insurance. Please refer to the Dependent Documentation Requirements and Deadlines page in NESSIE at
Opt-out: Documentation showing proof of non-state comprehensive major medical health coverage (health I.D. card) is required to opt-out of health insurance.
Fax any required documentation (include your UIN on all faxes) to the UPB Benefits Services office at (217) 244-3135 as soon as possible. The documentation deadline for this Benefit Choice Period is June 30, 2011.
Will I receive a CMS Verification Form?
Yes, if you changed to a new health plan for FY2012 or made other changes such as adding dependents or electing life insurance. Please review this form for accuracy.
No, if you did not make any health plan changes or any other changes during this FY2012 Benefit Choice Period.
Can I view my Earnings Statement online to see my new Benefit Choice deductions?
Yes, beginning with the July 6, 2011 paycheck for bi-weekly paid employees and the July 15, 2011 paycheck for monthly paid employees, go to Click "Continue" and log in using either your Enterprise ID or your NetID and password. Enter your "Personal Identification Number (NESSIE PIN)" and click "Continue". Here you will see your current earnings statement and also have access to view past earnings statements. The "Deductions Summary" section of your "Current Earnings Statement" will show the deduction amounts that apply to you for the plans that you have selected.
Who can I contact with questions about my Benefits Statement or questions about the benefit plans?
Contact your campus UPB Benefits Services office or send email to
UPB Benefits Services - Urbana: (217) 333-3111
UPB Benefits Services - Chicago: (312) 996-6471
UPB Benefits Services - Springfield: (217) 206-7144
UPB Benefits Services (Toll-Free): 866-669-4772, Select Option #1
Dependent and OPT OUT Documentation fax: (217) 244-3135