A dependent eligibility verification audit will begin soon for employees who have one or more dependents enrolled in a State of Illinois health insurance plan. Watch your home postal mail for a very important letter that will require your response!
When is this audit being conducted?
The audit period is March 3 – April 25, 2020.
Who is performing the audit and why?
The Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) has contracted with HMS Employer Solutions (HMS) to conduct an audit to ensure that only eligible dependents are covered on the state health insurance plans. This audit will not verify your biological and adopted children under the age of 26 who were verified during the 2015 audit.
How will I be notified about the audit?
If you have dependents that are subject to this audit, HMS will mail an audit letter to your home mailing address. Your letter will include information about what you are required to do, how to submit required documentation and contact information for HMS. The audit is time-sensitive, and you must respond by the deadline listed in the letter. Please watch for the envelope from HMS displaying the Illinois Dependent Eligibility Verification Audit logo in the return address, as shown below.
If I don’t submit the required documentation what will happen?
At the conclusion of the audit, dependents for whom you have not provided verification documents will be terminated from insurance coverage effective May 1, 2020.
Why might I not receive a letter from HMS?
You should not receive an audit letter if you only cover biological and adopted children under the age of 26 who were already verified during the 2015 audit.
CMS requires that all questions be directed to HMS as the independent auditor and not to CMS or the University of Illinois System. HMS is experienced with State audits, and will be able to answer your questions and offer assistance with documentation issues that could arise. Please wait for your letter to arrive, then contact HMS directly with any questions you may have.