On October 23, NESSIE will be permanently replaced by the System Human Resource Services website. You will still have access to the same essential tools and information that could be found in NESSIE. Please make sure you have updated any NESSIE bookmarks, as they will no longer work on and after October 23.
If you used NESSIE within the last 12 months, you saw notices that web content and self-service applications have moved to the System Human Resource Services website. The System HR site allows us to present employment and benefits content, as well as employee self-service applications that are visually cleaner, better organized, and easier to view on mobile devices.
If you primarily use NESSIE to check your earnings statements, view your appointment information, or update your personal information, you can quickly access those self-service applications and more in the My UI Info section of the System HR site.
If you have questions about the System HR Services website, please email uihr@uillinois.edu.
If you have questions about your benefits or pay, please contact University Payroll & Benefits: