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For October 2018 Seminars
Do you need help understanding your SURS retirement plan? Have you ever wondered about your SURS benefits? Do you know what your options are if you become unable to work due to a disability?
Attending an upcoming free SURS seminar can shine light on your SURS retirement benefits. These seminars are targeted towards employees approaching retirement within the next few years, but employees at all stages can benefit from these presentations.
Seminars are offered, free of charge, to University of Illinois employees participating in SURS. The topics covered in these seminars include purchasing service credit, sick leave, refunds, reciprocal time, disability, survivor benefits, retirement calculations, and applying for retirement. Time will also be available for a Q&A session following the presentation.
Registration is required for Understanding Your SURS Benefits Tier I & Tier II. Please see the retirement seminars page for the seminar schedule and descriptions. If you have any problems with the online registration, please contact System Human Resource Services at 217-333-2590.
Seminars are approximately 90 minutes long, with questions following if time allows. Attending a seminar is an approved event under Civil Service Policy and Rules, Rule 11.12. Employees may be released from work to attend a seminar, University operations permitting, and subject to prior supervisor approval.
For additional information about the University’s retirement plans, see Retirement & Investment Plans. For assistance with seminar registration, contact System HR Services at 217-333‑2590.
For all other questions, contact University Payroll and Benefits: