If you visit NESSIE regularly, you may have already noticed that some pages have moved to the System Human Resource Services website. System HR is in the process of moving all information and self-service applications from NESSIE to one integrated website that is more accessible and user-friendly.
Why the change?
NESSIE is nearly two decades old, and it's time for a refresh! Integrating with the System HR website allows us to present information that is visually cleaner, better organized, and easier to view on mobile devices.
What will happen to NESSIE?
NESSIE will remain active until all of the information is readily available on the new System HR website. Any NESSIE pages that are moved will be replaced with a link to its new location.
Down the road, NESSIE will be deactivated, and your benefits, pay, and employee information will be accessed through the System HR website only.
Contact System HR Services at uihr@uillinois.edu or 217-333-2590.
NESSIE: https://nessie.uihr.uillinois.edu/cf/index.cfm
System HR: https://www.hr.uillinois.edu/