Are you interested in learning more about retirement planning and investment options available to you as a University of Illinois System employee? Retirement and investment education webinars are being offered by State Universities Retirement System (SURS) and University 403(b) Plan approved investment companies TIAA and Fidelity, in lieu of in-person seminars this fall. View details below.
State Universities Retirement System (SURS) offers seminars and webinars for members at different stages of their careers. Recorded sessions are available to play on-demand, or you may register to attend a live session.
TIAA offers a lineup of monthly webinars that address a variety of retirement and investment topics. Scroll to the webinar section at the bottom of the page to register for an event.
Fidelity offers a variety of live or on-demand webinars in the Fidelity Webcast Hub. Registration is required.
Contact University Payroll & Benefits (UPB) for assistance:
Information provided is general in nature about matters of interest to University of Illinois System employees. This information is not legal, financial, or tax advice. You should consult with a legal, financial, or tax professional for assistance with your individual circumstances.