Photo submission guide

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Photos are not accepted automatically, and you are permitted only three failed attempts before you are locked out of SubmitMyPhoto. In addition, once your photo is accepted, it cannot be changed.

Save yourself time: read the three articles on this page before you take your photo and submit it.
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes.

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  • Photo requirements

    1.  Read and follow the photo requirements

    Your photo isn't used for an online profile, it is used for an official ID, so it must look like a passport photo. All ID photos must meet criteria for the photo file, background, and body and face. 

    The photo file

    • Cannot be a photo of a photo.
    • Does not exceed 1000 pixels in each dimension.
    • Must be square (height must equal width).
    • Must be in full color in JPEG (.jpg) file format.

    The background

    • Use a well-lit setting and avoid unnatural lighting, glare, and shadows.
    • Stand in front of a plain, untextured, solid, light-colored background.
    • Make sure there aren't other objects or persons in the photo.

    Your body and face

    • Face the camera straight-on and centered in the photo frame.
    • Include only from the top of your hair to the top of your shoulders. (Don't include your upper torso.)
    • Your eyes must be open and your face must be in focus.
    • Don't wear sunglasses, head coverings, or hats.
    • Avoid silly poses, facial expressions, or filters.
    • Your photo must reflect your current appearance, taken within the last six months.
  • Examples of rejected photos

    2. Review the examples of bad and good photos

    Bad photos like these are rejected

    Your i-card is an official identification that features only your hair, face, and shoulderline. Here are a few examples of rejected photos with the reason(s) for rejection listed below each one.

    A person from the top of the head down to the waist, sitting in a cluttered bedroom.
    • Not on a plain, light-colored background
    • Too zoomed out
    A person in a silly pose with a dark blue background, with red and blue lighting.
    • Silly pose
    • Unnatural lighting
    • Not on a plain, light-colored background
    • Object (hand) in picture
    A person from the top of the head down to the chin.
    • Too zoomed in
    A person not centered in the frame and with another person visible.
    • Other people in picture
    • Face not straight-on/centered
    A person in front of a textured background.
    • "Texture" in background
  • Examples of accepted photos

    Good photos like these are accepted

    Your photo should look like one of the following. Each scene is brightly lit, the setting is completely plain, and each person is facing front.

    A smiling person wearing glasses, from the top of the head to the top of the shoulders.

    Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed.

    A smiling woman, from the top of her head to the top of her shoulders.

    Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed.

    Another smiling woman, from the top of her head to the top of her shoulders.

    Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed.

    A smiling man wearing glasses, from the top of his head to the top of his shoulders.

    Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed.

    Another smiling woman, from the top of her head to the top of her shoulders.

    Edit embedded media in the Files Tab and re-insert as needed.

  • SubmitMyPhoto access

    3. Submit your photo and log in later to see whether it's approved

    Emailed photos are not accepted. Once your photo is approved you cannot change it.
    Recommended: log in from a PC, and use the latest Chrome, Firefox, or Edge browser. Avoid using high-resolution photos.

    Log in to SubmitMyPhoto

  • What to do if "Choose a card replacement reason" displays

    What to do if "Choose a card replacement reason" displays

    When you have received any other ID card from any U of I campus, ever, then "Choose a card replacement reason" displays. 
    Here's what to do: choose "My card was lost" and type in why you're uploading a photo. You will not be charged a card replacement fee.

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