Your earning statement is getting a fresh new look that is cleaner and better for optional viewing on mobile phones and devices if you use them!
Please be assured that your online earnings statement will contain all of the same information and will continue to be available for viewing or printing from your desktop or laptop computer.
Check out the new earnings statement at:
The current NESSIE Earnings Statement will remain available through September 13, 2017. Beginning September 14, 2017, you will view the earnings statement in its new look and feel.
For questions about your paycheck, please contact University Payroll and Benefits:
As a reminder, if you are you off campus, accessing your earnings statement requires an extra step for added security. You must access your Earnings Statement either from a computer or device on a university network, OR by using 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) when you are off campus. If you haven’t already, go to to set up 2FA.