Please remove any ineligible dependents from your health insurance coverage during the Benefit Choice period. Examples of ineligible dependents include an ex-spouse and an ex-spouse’s children (previous step-children). It is not allowable to cover individuals on your state health insurance who are no longer eligible, and doing so may result in financial penalties.
Before June 1, take a moment to review your covered dependent(s) and remove any ineligible dependents. During the Benefit Choice period, this can be done without providing documentation.
- Who is ELIGIBLE to be covered? View the list of eligible dependents.
- Find out who is covered on your health plan: View your Benefit Statement.
Select the Dependents tab to view your covered dependents.
- How can I remove someone who is ineligible? If you find that you have an ineligible dependent, go to NESSIE to remove the person from your coverage.
The Illinois Department of Central Management Services (CMS) has tentatively scheduled a Dependent Eligibility Audit for fall of 2015. The audit will be conducted to ensure that only eligible dependents are covered under the State Employees Group Insurance Program. Prepare now by ensuring that only ELIGIBLE dependents are covered on your health plan.
All university employees with dependent coverage who receive health insurance through the state will be included in this audit. If, during the audit, you are found to be covering an ineligible dependent, you may be subject to a financial penalty, including but not limited to, repayment of all premiums the State made on your/your ineligible dependent’s behalf.
Contact University Payroll and Benefits (UPB).
- Email: benefits@uillinois.edu
- Urbana: 217-333-3111
- Chicago: 312-996-6471
- Springfield: 217-206-7144 or 217-206-7211