My-UI-Financials is a report-distribution system that enables units to quickly view their financial data (such as financial and payroll reports), all in one place! If you haven't used My-UI-Financials yet, below are the key steps to get you started:
- Your unit’s Report Assigner is responsible for granting and maintaining access to My-UI-Financials. If you do not know who your unit’s Report Assigner is, simply email and we can provide you with that information.
- Access to My-UI-Financials is maintained within Access Manager, which is an application that Report Assigners use to add, modify, or delete a user’s access. The Report Assigner can also use this application to search on their unit’s existing authorized users.
- It is important for the Report Assigner to regularly review their unit’s authorized users (on an annual basis at the minimum) to ensure that all authorized users still have a legitimate business need to maintain their access. For example, when an employee retires or leaves your department, it is important for the Report Assigner to remove that individual’s access to My-UI-Financials on or prior to their last day.
For further details, refer to our subject matter experts listed in the My-UI-Financials section of UAFR’s Who to Ask list