The University Bursar is responsible for IRS Form 1098-T reporting on behalf of University of Illinois System students. IRS Form 1098-T reports qualified tuition and related expenses paid during/for the calendar year by or on behalf of the student (Box 1), and scholarships and grants administered and processed by the U of I System to or on behalf of the student during the calendar year (Box 5).
Qualified tuition and related expenses are tuition, fees, and course materials required for a student to be enrolled in a degree program at the University of Illinois. Scholarships and grants generally include waivers, fellowships, and all payments received from third parties (excluding family members and loan proceeds).
The primary purpose of IRS Form 1098-T is to assist tax filers in determining their eligibility for education tax credits (see IRS Tax Benefits for Education: Info Center). The University Bursar makes Form 1098-T available to students no later than January 31 and reports them to the IRS by April 15.
For questions, please contact us or direct any student inquiries regarding Form 1098-T Reporting to, or the Understanding My 1098-T webpage.