University Payables would like cash advance users to review the following prior to submitting a request for a cash advance or an extension to a cash advance due date:
- When submitting a cash advance request, consider the following when choosing the end date, which is also the due date when the cash advance must be closed or reconciled.
- The maximum lifespan of an advance is 18 months.
- The due date for a cash advance is not the same as the end date of grant funding.
- A replenishment does not extend the due date of an open advance.
- The due date must be far enough into the future to accommodate processing time, so the due date occurs after the funds are issued. The only exception is cash advances for travel which must be closed within 15 days of the completion of the travel.
- Before submitting a request to extend a cash advance due date, carefully consider the new due date for the extension. Multiple extensions of the due date may not be approved without a written explanation signed by the unit business manager.
- Due date extensions can be granted by submitting a Service Request Form located under Resources on the Business & Finance website.
- Additional information can be found in the BFPP manual under Advances.
If you have questions, please submit a Service Request Form to University Payables.