When purchasing food for university business, what you buy determines if the food is considered a Business Meal or a Food Supply. Below are some common examples and guidance on making these purchases correctly.
Food Supplies
Food Supplies are a common purchase for many units but differ from a Business Meal. For example, an employee purchased pre-packaged food items (such as bagels, coffee, ground beef, buns, cookies, and bottled water) to bring to a business meeting or university event. These items are considered consumable food supplies, so the Food Supplies expense tile should be chosen in Chrome River when purchased out of pocket. Remember, sales tax is not reimbursable. Food Supplies should be purchased with a PCard using account code 124300.
Business Meals
Business Meals are another common purchase for many units but differ from consumable food supplies. For example, if you are paying a restaurant to prepare a platter of sandwiches or boxed lunches for a business meeting or university event, this would be considered a business meal. Use the Business Meal expense tile in Chrome River when purchasing out of pocket or with a TCard.
A catered event typically involves one or all of the following:
- a signed contract
- a deposit
- a provided service
Catered events should be on a Purchase Order, not on a TCard.
Urbana-Champaign, please review the Catering – UIUC page for additional information.
If you have questions, please submit a Service Request Form to University Payables.