With year-end quickly approaching, have you considered analyzing your various C-FOAPAL segments to see if there are any Fund, Organization, Program, Activity, Location, or Index codes that you no longer need? If so, now would be a great time to submit a termination request in order to have these segments terminated prior to starting a new fiscal year.
In order to submit a termination request, simply send an email to uas@uillinois.edu with a clear indication of which segment you would like to terminate, including the segment code number as well as the segment code title.
It’s helpful if you indicate the applicable chart too (i.e., Chart 1 = UIUC, Chart 2 = UIC, Chart 4 = UIS, and Chart 9 = System Offices).
Also, as outlined in the FY21 Closing Procedures, please keep in mind the deadline to submit termination requests for FY21 business is Friday, June 18. Any termination requests received after this deadline date will be processed in August after the fiscal year-end close is completed.
For further details on the FOAPAL segment termination process, refer to UAFR’s Terminating FOAPAL Segments FAQs. If you have additional questions, contact Kim Coventry at (217) 244-3206 or bui@uillinois.edu.