Did you know that University Accounting and Financial Reporting (UAFR) is now offering one-on-one training sessions for My-UI-Financials? See below for details:
- These one-on-one training sessions will provide a great opportunity to talk with a My-UI-Financials expert to discuss any questions you may have.
- For example, you can utilize these opportunities to ask basic questions regarding how to navigate the My-UI- Financials reporting system, or you can ask even more complex questions regarding how to read and analyze the data within the system. Whatever question you may have, we are here to help!
- If you’d like to take advantage of this opportunity, simply email your personalized training request to myuifinancials@uillinois.edu, providing a few details surrounding the questions you have. Our applicable subject matter expert will then be in touch with you to schedule a one-on-one training session at your convenience.
If you’d like further details on this topic, feel free to contact our applicable subject matter expert listed in the My-UI-Financials section of UAFR’s Who to Ask list.