The iBuy e-procurement system upgrade (iBuy Release 22.3) was completed on Sunday, November 6, 2022.
The changes in this release include:
- Inactive Users are now shown on requisitions, purchase orders and invoices with the name displayed in italics and (Inactive User).
Example: Jane Doe (Inactive)
- Supplier name will now appear next to document number in the top left for the Purchase Order and Invoice.

- Available Actions/Options dropdown menu has moved from an arrow next to the document number to ... in the upper right of the document. The choices seen in the Additional Actions/Options dropdown menu are based on the role(s) you are assigned within the iBuy.
- Pending Approval Reminder email notification was updated to include a link directly to the requisition or invoice in question or to the approval folder in question, if there are multiple orders pending approval. This update will be seen by those with the role(s) of Approver, Department Account Coder, or Invoice Acknowledger.
If you have questions about this iBuy upgrade, please contact AITS iBuy Production Support through the Service Desk Request Form.