Submit Less Reports
Too many expense reports? Thanks to Chrome River, you can start submitting less. Chrome River is designed to handle multiple expenses on one report.
Here are just a few examples of common situations and how you can reduce the number of reports you submit:
- You are arranging travel for three employees traveling to present at a conference together. All three airfares, conference registrations and hotels can be combined on the same report, you just need to clarify the names of the travelers in the description field.
- You traveled back and forth once a week during the month to gather testing samples for research. You can combine all four trips onto one report.
- You are traveling to present your groundbreaking research at a conference. You have travel expenses, printing expenses, a membership payment for the organization, and a business meal with a research colleague. All these expenses can be submitted together.
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If you have questions about Chrome River, please use the Service Request Form. For Chrome River Specific issues and feedback, please select University Payables (Invoice, Vendor ID, Travel, PCard), which will enable you to specifically select Chrome River Inquiries