The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer & Comptroller announces revisions to 8.11.1 One-Time Moving Payment to Employee and 8.11.2 Reimbursement for Relocation Expenses Incurred. The revisions reflect a change in how system-contracted moving vendors (movers) are engaged.
Highlights of the update include:
- The responsibility for managing the process for direct payments to movers is now with Units through the use of a University-specific Relocation Template Letter.
- Units must attach a copy of the signed offer letter and the completed Relocation Template Letter when processing expense reports for approved payments in the Travel Expense Management (TEM) system.
- For questions about engaging system-contracted moving vendors please contact your Purchasing Department.
- For questions about the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, contact the CFO Business and Finance Policy Office at (312) 585-9071 or