Does your unit complete Fact Sheets at the end of the fiscal year for your self-supporting or service plan funds? If so, we encourage you to download the FY21 Fact Sheet Excel Attachment which is now available on UAFR’s Fact Sheets web page. By downloading a copy of this spreadsheet now, you can begin tracking your various prepaid expenses and unearned revenue transactions as they occur throughout the year. Then, once the year-end rush hits, you’ll already have these transactions identified and saved to this spreadsheet, which will make your year-end Fact Sheet reporting that much easier!
Also, for additional guidance on what to look for when trying to identify prepaid expenses or unearned revenue, see our applicable Fact Sheet Reference Tools below. These are also located on our Fact Sheets web page, along with various other job aids and reference tools which you may find useful:
For questions or further details, refer to our subject matter experts listed in the Fact Sheets section of UAFR’s Who to Ask list.