UIUC Purchasing and Contract Management Office is pleased to announce a new catalog option, Thomas Scientific, is now available in the iBuy showcase. This catalog will include specialty lab supplies and services included in their contract award, 2204GAL.
Please visit the Thomas Scientific catalog in iBuy to view the complete offering of available products and pricing. The Thomas Scientific catalog can be found under the “Lab & Medical Supplies” showcase category.
You may contact the Thomas Scientific team at (833) 544-7447 or our system-specific representative Andrew Darress andrew.darress@thomassci.com to request bulk-order pricing, product recommendations, or quotes.
Any additional questions about placing orders from the Thomas Scientific catalog should be directed to your respective Purchasing and Contract Management Office:
UIUC Purchasing
Phone: 217-333-3505
Service Desk Request Form
UIC Purchasing
Phone: 312-996-2850
Email: uicpurchasing@uillinois.edu
UIS Purchasing
Phone: 217-206-6651
Email: UISPurchasing@uillinois.edu
System Purchasing and Support Services
For System-level (Chart 9) Offices
Phone: 217-333-9289
Email: procurement@uillinois.edu