The University of Illinois System recently deployed Chrome River as the new travel and expense management system. As we use the Chrome River application and receive your feedback, we continue learning from you on what works best. We’d like to share your helpful feedback with our community by distributing Chrome River Tips and Tricks along the way.
Every week we will provide you with some helpful hints, reminders and tips that have come out of the Chrome River training sessions. This useful information is intended to help you navigate Chrome River with ease. You can also refer to the Chrome River website and FAQs as valuable resources.
Below are the first few tips for you to review:
- The business purpose on the header screen has a 1000-character limit, which is adequate space for a detailed business purpose. Please provide your full business purpose on the header screen.
- Combine all related expenses onto one report. Arranging flights for five employees to present at a conference? Submit all five charges on the same report. Did your team travel out of state for competition? Put all hotel and meal expenses on one report.
- If you are requesting mileage, make it a round trip. Select return to start on the google map to create one line item for the entire mileage.
To make sure you keep up on the latest information, be sure to subscribe to Business and Finance News.
If you have questions about Chrome River, please use the Service Request Form. For Chrome River Specific issues and feedback, please select University Payables (Invoice, Vendor ID, Travel, PCard), which will enable you to specifically select Chrome River Inquiries.