When you have an accounting question on a particular topic, do you struggle to find the correct subject matter expert to contact? Or do you find yourself always going to the same person with all your accounting questions? If so, keep the following points in mind:
- University Accounting and Financial Reporting (UAFR) has many subject matter experts in many different areas. To ensure you are getting the most up-to-date and accurate advice on a particular question, it’s always best to talk with the applicable subject matter experts, as they would be best suited to answer your questions.
- To find the applicable subject matter experts, go to the Business & Finance Who to Ask list and search on the applicable keywords related to that topic within the Search box, which is located in the right-hand corner above the blue heading.
- For example, if you have a question on account codes, simply type “account codes” into the Search field and a list of subject matter experts will appear.
- Also, keep in mind that if your search term uses multiple words, using quotation marks around your search criteria will bring back more accurate results. For example, searching on “state funds” (quotation marks included) will give more accurate results than simply typing in state funds with no quotation marks.
- Finally, if you are not sure on what accounting term to search for, or if you are not able to find any names connected with your particular search criteria, you are always welcome to reach out to UAFR directly via phone (217-333-4568) or email (uas@uillinois.edu). Someone will then do their best to point you in the right direction.
For further questions on this topic, feel free to reach out at (217) 333-4568 or uas@uillinois.edu.