To ensure prompt and accurate delivery of orders placed in iBuy for all users (except for those based at UIS), it is important to use the correct Ship To Address for the exact delivery location: the street address must be detailed in the Address Lines 1, 2 and 3 as populated from Banner.
A number of Ship To options is already available in iBuy for you to search and add to your iBuy profile for future requisitions. Step-by-step instructions on this process are detailed in the Setting Up and Using Ship To Address job aid located under the Profile Management section of the iBuy Training Materials page.
If you do not find the desired address, you will need to submit a Banner Ship To Address Add form. The form is located on Purchases Form webpage. You will receive an email notification once a Banner Ship to Code has been assigned and a second email letting you know that it is available for use in iBuy. You may then follow the steps above to add the desired address to your iBuy profile.
Once the Ship To Address has been selected, you must complete the self-defined required Location field in the address format. The information added to this field is to support the details displayed in Address Lines 1, 2 and 3 as populated from Banner. Examples include building name with room/suite number, floor/wing location, email address or additional delivery instructions such as “Ring bell at Reception Desk” or “Deliver on Mondays”, etc. Do not enter a different street address within the Location field.
If there are any questions please contact AITS ESC Finance through the Service Request Form.