University Payables would like to remind Cardholders, Reconcilers, and Department Card Managers that FY21 card transactions should be reconciled promptly. This is especially important during year end so that the transactions post in the proper fiscal year.
Important Card-related dates to remember:
June 30, 2021:
- Last swipe date for FY21 T-Card transactions. All T-Card transactions with a swipe date of June 30, 2021 or earlier and which are reconciled by July 3, 2021 will be charged to FY21. T-Card transactions regardless of the swipe date, reconciled after July 3, 2021 will be charged to FY22.
July 16, 2021:
- All P-Card transactions with a transaction (swipe) date of June 30, 2021, or earlier, and which are reconciled and approved by the University by July 16, 2021, will be charged to FY21.
- P-Card transactions, regardless of the transaction date, reconciled after July 16, 2021, will be charged to FY22. Any departmentally unapproved or unreconciled transactions using a FY21 state fund code will have the fund code changed automatically to the FY22 state fund code ending in 22.
Contact: If you have questions, please contact University Payables Card Services at 217-333-6583, 888-872-9953, or by email to