Has your unit ever acquired equipment via one of the following methods?
- Gift in kind
- Equipment transferred in with a new faculty member or researcher
- Equipment found within your department
If so, these are considered non-cash additions. All non-cash additions which have a fair market value of $2,500 or greater must be added to Banner inventory. To ensure this is done, follow the steps below:
- Log into FABweb
- Select the New Acquisition Tab
- Choose the Create a New Non-Cash Record option
- Follow the instructions to complete an automated email, detailing the required information surrounding your non-cash equipment addition
- Send the completed email to ensure that the non-cash equipment addition is added to Banner inventory.
- Property Accounting will contact you if additional details are needed to complete the non-cash addition to Banner inventory.
For further details on this process, visit the Equipment Acquisitions webpage within the Equipment Management website.
If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to the applicable subject matter experts within the Non-Cash Additions section of the Equipment Management Who to Ask list.