Welcome to the University Bursar Monthly Bulletin!
Spotlight on Receivables: Returned Check Handling
Does your unit receive and deposit checks on behalf of your department, your university, or the University of Illinois System? University Bursar (formerly USFSCO) has an updated returned check handling form for approved cash handling units. Whether the check is returned for non-sufficient funds, stop payment, or closed bank accounts, the process to handle the returns starts with University Bursar.
Check out the new and improved Returned Check Form. Once submitted, the form will be entered into our Returned Checks database where it will be sent out annually for updates to ensure the latest information for your department.
Follow these three steps to submit the new form initially:
- Click Here to access the form.
- Complete and update form
- Send back the completed form to: bursarreturnedchecks@uillinois.edu
University Bursar will review your submitted forms and send receipt of submittal.
Unsure if you are an approved cash handling unit? Please contact University Bursar Cashier Operations by selecting your university here. You can also find the U of I System’s Cash Handling Policy here.
To learn more about the returned check election form, policies, and options click here or email Bursar Returned Checks at: bursarreturnedchecks@uillinois.edu