A new job aid for C-FOP Maintenance is available with step-by-step instructions on how to add, activate, and inactivate charge codes in Chrome River. You can find the new job aid on the Chrome River webpage or by clicking this link for C-FOP Maintenance.
Users with Charge Code Maintenance permissions can now manage this process themselves instead of submitting a request to AITS. An individual with Charge Code Maintenance permissions may submit requests to have a C-FOP added, reactivated, or inactivated in Chrome River.
Chrome River also has an electronic workflow that automatically routes Expense Reports (ER) or Pre-Trip Approvals for review and approval based on the project’s C-FOP code. The unit’s charge code reviewer will review and approve expenses charged against a project C-FOP code.
If you have questions about Chrome River, please use the Service Request Form. For Chrome River Specific issues and feedback, please select University Payables (Invoice, Vendor ID, Travel, PCard), which will enable you to specifically select Chrome River Inquiries.
UPAY Training Team