This is a follow-up to the iBuy communication that was sent on September 20, 2022. As part of the Source2Pay project, there are checks and balances that now occur and if not completed correctly, this can cause a delay in your order being processed. Please be aware of the following:
- Old iBuy Orders in Draft Carts – If you elect to use a draft cart order created prior to 9/20/22, it is missing key data needed behind the scenes to process. If you submit one of these old draft cart orders, the order will stall and will need to be manually fixed by iBuy Admins. Please delete draft orders older than 9/20/22 and start a new order. To delete a draft cart, go to the left navigation of iBuy. Click Shop>My Carts and Orders>View Carts. Under Action click the arrow and click Delete to remove the cart.
- Unit of Measure – When using the Purchase Requisition Form (PRF) or the Standing Order Form (SO), the Unit of Measure field needs to be populated for each line item for your order to successfully process without manual intervention by the iBuy Admins. ‘EA - Each’ is a good default value if nothing else is applicable.
- Accounting Date Field – The Accounting Date field should be left blank unless you are initiating a requisition for a PO intended to be effective for the next fiscal year, so that orders are not filled, nor invoices issued until the correct fiscal year. Using the Accounting Date means the purchase order will not be paid until after that specified date.
- For current fiscal year orders, the Accounting Date entry can only be up to three months into the future. This is because Banner only opens three months in advance.
- For next fiscal year orders, use the first day of the next fiscal year (example 07/01/2023), or if submitting a requisition relatively close to July 1 take into consideration the length of time it may take to complete all approvals and use a date further into the future.
Incorrect completion of the above could result in intervention by the iBuy Administrators.
If you have any issues or questions please submit a ticket using the Service Request Form. Your inquiry will go to AITS ESC Finance for assistance.