Has your unit ever needed to check the status of FABweb equipment interdepartmental transfer request or surplus/disposal request? If so, see below for guidance:
- The Check Status function in FABweb allows the unit representative (or the approver) to view the status of any in-process equipment transfer or surplus/disposal request.
- If an in-process request has an Unclaimed status, then any approver can claim, decline, or submit it (assuming the user has the appropriate access for that specific organization code).
- If an in-process request has a Locked status, then only the specific FABweb user who claimed/locked the record can update, decline, or submit the request.
- For further details and step-by-step procedures on how to navigate this FABweb function, refer to UAFR’s FABweb Check Status job aid.
If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to the applicable subject matter expert within the Equipment Management Who to Ask list.