FY24 is the base year for Urbana’s next Facilities & Administrative (F&A) rate proposal. What does that mean to you? At the end of this year, generally, in August, when everything has been posted for the fiscal year, Government Costing will take all the fiscal year’s expenditures and use them in the F&A rate proposal to determine the next F&A rates for FY26-FY29.
For Government Costing to fully understand what each expenditure is being used for, we will need to meet with university departments. During March and April, Government Costing will contact departments to schedule a meeting to discuss their FY24 expenditures. This review process is crucial, and we need your help to ensure that the costs are treated properly in the rate proposal!
We appreciate everyone’s assistance with this project and look forward to meeting with you.
For questions, please see the System Government Costing Who to Ask page.