Is your unit required to submit a Year-End Fact Sheet for your self-supporting or service plan funds? If so, now is a great time to start planning ahead! See below for some tips which will help ensure you’re prepared for this annual year-end requirement:
- The Year-End Fact Sheet Application now allows you to search on completed Fact Sheets from prior fiscal years, which could be helpful if you are new to your unit or if you simply want a refresher on what you submitted from the prior year.
- If you would find this helpful, just log in to the Year-End Fact Sheet Application and search on your applicable chart and fund code, along with the applicable fiscal year you are interested in. The application will then give you the completed Fact Sheet for that fund from that particular fiscal year.
- If you have not yet done so, be sure to register for one of our Year-End Fact Sheet webinars. This webinar provides a helpful overview of the Year-End Fact Sheet process along with many helpful examples and details which will help guide you through this annual process.
- This webinar is offered on:
- June 10 (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM) or
- July 7 (1:15 PM – 3:15 PM).
- To register, visit the Webinar and Video-Based Training webpage and select the Year-End Fact Sheet option. This will log you into the Learning Management System, where you will then be able to register for the webinar of your choice.
- We also strongly recommend that you take a look at our helpful job aids and reference tools within the Fact Sheet Training Resources section of our Year-End Fact Sheets webpage. These job aids and reference tools provide helpful details which will clearly guide you through what is needed for each step of the process. See below for links to these job aids & reference materials as well:
For further details, refer to the applicable subject matter experts within the Fact Sheets section of UAFR’s Who to Ask list.