The Office of the Vice President, Chief Financial Officer & Comptroller announces updates to various Business and Financial Policies and Procedures and supplemental information to align with the elimination of the Contracts for Services Under $10,000 template. New purchases formerly submitted on the Contract for Services Under $10,000 template should be processed with a requisition on the iBuy “Purchase Requisition Form” or the “Standing Order Form”. The purchase order will serve as the contract.
Highlights of the update include:
- 8.6.3 Request Payment for Contract for Services under $10,000 is now decommissioned.
- 6.1.1 Determine Minimum Insurance Requirements for Vendors, 8.6.1 Request Direct Payment for Approved Goods and Services, 17.1 Consultant and Other Contractors for Services, Contracting for Services, Contracts Forms, and Purchases Forms reflect the elimination of the Contract for Services Under $10,000 template and/or the new purchase process.
- For questions concerning the updated process for purchases formerly submitted on the Contract for Services Under $10,000 template please contact your Purchasing Department.
- For questions about the Business and Financial Policies and Procedures Manual, contact the CFO Business and Finance Policy Office at (312) 585-9071 or