Back to the Basics
Since Chrome River’s launch, users have been enjoying the modernized functionality that the new travel and expense management system offers! While there are a lot of new features, one of the best tips when entering your expense report is to remember the basics.
Business Purpose
When creating a new expense report, be sure to provide a full business purpose on Chrome River’s header screen. The box labeled “Business Purpose” on the first screen offers a 1,000-character limit, which provides you with plenty of space to answer who, what, when, where, and why. Chrome River will then automatically carry this business purpose forward to all line items.
The Description box on the line item is the place to enter any item specific details like “taxi to airport” or “tip for hotel housekeeping” when clarifying the purpose of a specific expense.

For more information on what makes a successful Business Purpose, please see the Providing a Detailed Business Purpose/Justification job aid.
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To make sure you keep up on the latest information, be sure to opt into future communications about the Chrome River application by subscribing to the email distribution list for University Payables.
If you have questions about Chrome River, please use the Service Request Form. For Chrome River Specific issues and feedback, please select University Payables (Invoice, Vendor ID, Travel, PCard), which will enable you to specifically select Chrome River Inquiries.