User Stories in this Sprint:
- As an approver, I need to view request information for access so that I can approve or deny.
- As an approver, I should not be able to take ownership of requests for my own access or access requests I have submitted as a USC so that segregation of duties policies are followed.
- As a USC I need to view profiles based on the topics selected and add one or more profiles so that I may determine my selections. *
*If time permits work will be done on some redesign of the Request Access Process which involves the USC user story above.
Completed Tasks:
- Complete approval and restriction information for all Finance applications.
- Complete first pass at profile attribute information for all Student applications.
- Complete approval and restriction information for all HR/Payroll applications.
- EDW – Continue documenting HR/Payroll profile information and associated attributes.
- Begin Appworx profile documentation.
- Begin development ARM foundational work for approvals
- Identification of approvers
- Identification of approver groups
- Code for single approval to one approval group
- Code for multiple approvals to more than one approval group
- Parallel approvals (approvals sent at same time to different groups)
- Hierarchy approvals (approval must be given in order; 1st group approves before 2nd group can approve
- Identify path of approval workflows that can be assigned to profiles.*Note: This applies to one EDW profile and one Banner profiles.
- UX Design of approval workflows:
- Display of request information in approver queue.