User Stories in this Sprint:
- USC View Access Student -As a USC I need to view access that has been previously granted when building a new request so that I may confirm Segregation of Duties and not send in a duplicate request.
- USC Request Access - As a USC I need to create a request for new access in one application so that a user receives access in a timely manner.
- USC Tracking Requests - As a USC I need to follow progress of each request I have submitted.
Completed Tasks:
- Update formatting of FGAC/VPD on the View Access screen.
- Update Org code from 6 digit to 7-8 when applicable.
- Approach and plan for tree test of profile hierarchy.
- Documentation of security group entitlement for the Student Information - Attribute Maintenance profile.
- Validation of Finance Report Refresher profile in development.
Moved to Sprint 24:
- Continue design of USC tracking requests.
- Continue testing and edits to the request access process.