User Stories in this Sprint
Approval Process:
- As an authorizer, I need to view request information for access so that I can approve or deny.
- As an authorizer I need the ability to request more information from the requesting USC so that I can approve or deny the request.
- As an authorizer, I should not be able to take ownership of requests for my own access or access requests I have submitted as a USC so that segregation of duties policies are followed.
- As an authorizer if I am also a USC I need to select a role so that I can complete work in the ARM application.
- As an authorizer, I need to have the ability to take ownership of any request sent to my assigned approval group(s) so that I can take action on the request.
- As an authorizer I need to take action on a request so that the request workflow can proceed.
Add/Edit Redesign:
- As a USC I need to view profiles based on the topics selected and add one or more profiles so that I may determine my selections.
- As a USC when starting a request for access I need to browse by topic area so that I may view available access.
- As a USC I need a message to inform me of selections that need additional review so that I may make the appropriate decision
Completed Tasks:
- Analysis and Identification of non-payroll staff. Develop query logic/Banner database indicators to identify pseudo “employees” who are not truly on university payroll.
- Development of HTML code for access requiring approvals. (Code for claiming, take action and history complete).
- Development work and testing on complex scenarios for requesting multi-campus access for Banner student and resulting workflow process. (Related to Banner FGAC and VPD)
Document detailed requirements for shared setting scenarios.
Backlog Refinement: Continue to break down User Stories and acceptance criteria for transfers.
UX design for justifications, restrictions and prerequisites for access requests.