User Stories in this Sprint:
- As a administrator I need the system to process pending requests automatically so that requests are systematically pushed through to provisioning/deprovisioning.
- As an administrator I need access requests to auto-(de)provision when possible so that manual provisioning is not necessary.
- As an administrator I need the option to view and take action on all pending access requests before provisioning so that I can ensure proper processing.
USC Add/Edit Access:
- As a USC, I need the ability to see changes to settings on the review page so that I can confirm the information is correct for the request.
- As an authorizer, I need to see shared setting values so that I can make a decision on requested access.
Completed Tasks:
- Test provisioning for Banner Student Profiles
- Test Graduation Processing Maintenance
- Initiate development of EDW HR VPD Profile
- Initiate development of System Access Management pending work (Inbox)
- Development on mismatch of netid and enterprise id
- Add HR/Banner Profiles to DEV
- Begin application technical template
- UX design of EDW reconciliation page
- UX design of Banner reconciliation page
- Send out 3 application surveys to application owners
- Continue with requirements tracking document build.
- Complete UX design documentation resources (Documentation of CSS/SASS files).
Moved to backlog for future prioritization:
- UX/DEV review of Build a request set access for selected applications page.