User Stories in this Sprint
- USC View Access Student -As a USC I need to view access that has been previously granted when building a new request so that I may confirm Segregation of Duties and not send in a duplicate request.
- USC Request Access - As a USC I need to create a request for new access in one application so that a user receives access in a timely manner.
Completed Tasks:
- Analysis on types of identities within ARM
- Will be a living document as more identities are analyzed.
- QA View Access accessibility fix and retest
- Profile development
- 40 Banner Student Profiles have been added to ARM
- All EDW Profiles have been added to ARM - Next step to validate
- Backend core application development
- Building new profiles with the functional team will continue
- UX Request Access design
- Ongoing work as these screens and functionality develop
- Application/Profile/Entitlement analysis
- Financial Aid structure of profiles and entitlements have been documented.
- HR profiles and entitlements will continue