User Stories in this Sprint:
Approval Process:
- As an authorizer, I need to view request information for access so that I can approve or deny.
- As an authorizer I need the ability to request more information from the requesting USC so that I can approve or deny the request.
- As an authorizer, I should not be able to take ownership of requests for my own access or access requests I have submitted as a USC so that segregation of duties policies are followed.
Request Access Redesign:
- As a USC I need to view profiles based on the topics selected and add one or more profiles so that I may determine my selections.
- As a USC when starting a request for access I need to browse by topic area so that I may view available access.
Completed Tasks
- Backlog Refinement - Provisioning
- Manual Review
- Manual Provisioning
- Auto Provisioning
- Development of Reconciliation Page
- Backend development of scenarios that trigger further review and decisions.
- Backend development of confirmation page
- Backend development of preventing conflicting access/profiles
- Testing of Approval/workflow process
- Investigate auditor queries and create any non-existing profiles
- UX creation of HTML for Approval/Workflow Pages
Moved to Sprint 30:
- Request Access UX Redesign
- Co-entitlements
- Navigation
- Type ahead component fix