User Stories in this Sprint
- USC View Access Student -As a USC I need to view access that has been previously granted when building a new request so that I may confirm Segregation of Duties and not send in a duplicate request.
- USC Request Access - As a USC I need to create a request for new access in one application so that a user receives access in a timely manner.
Completed Tasks:
- Enter 270 profiles into ARM DEV environment to complete the Banner Student Profile entries.
- Validate EDW student profiles entered into ARM, approximately 10, are working as expected in the DEV environment.
- Flesh out requirements for the USC Start a Request with specific identity scenarios, conditional questions and data collection.
- Preliminary work on backend development of workflow, EDW profiles, provisioning and removal of profile/access.
- Back end build of profiles for Student LDAP Applications.
Moved to Sprint 18
- Continue analysis on where things live in the HR hierarchy.
- Continue UX design for browse by hierarchy and application.
- Continue backend development on request access, preliminary work on workflow, work on EDW profiles.