User Stories in this Sprint:
Authorizer Inbox:
- As an authorizer, I need to have the ability to take ownership of any request sent to my assigned approval group(s) so that I can take action on the request.
USC Add/Edit Access:
- As a USC when requesting access I need to view profile and application names and descriptions, including profile entitlements so that I may select the correct access.
- As a USC I need the system to prevent me from requesting conflicting profiles.
- As an administrator I need to manage workflows and access request screens so that they remain current
- As an administrator I need access requests to auto-(de)provision when possible so that manual provisioning is not necessary.
Planned Tasks:
- Updates to Authorizer Inbox: “Act” link should change to “In Process/Progress” or something similar. The row of the request should be greyed out. Add refresh button with text instructions.
- Build a request: Set Access for specific applications. Implement/Develop updated UX design.
- Code for Analysts view of profile authorization workflow data.
- Code for EDW HR conflicting profiles.
- Correct defect: Hold Maintenance (Active Profile ID: 151) - Removing entitlements/profile.
- Test provisioning of Banner Student profiles: General Person and Recruiting and Admissions.
- Updates to requirements tracking documentation.