User Stories in this Sprint:
Approval Process:
- As an authorizer, I need to view request information for access so that I can approve or deny.
- As an authorizer I need the ability to request more information from the requesting USC so that I can approve or deny the request.
- As an authorizer, I should not be able to take ownership of requests for my own access or access requests I have submitted as a USC so that segregation of duties policies are followed.
Request Access Redesign:
- As a USC I need to view profiles based on the topics selected and add one or more profiles so that I may determine my selections.
- As a USC when starting a request for access I need to browse by topic area so that I may view available access.
Completed Tasks:
- UX Add/Edit (Request Access) Redesign
- Meet with small group to review mock-ups for feedback.
- Present to project team.
- Present to focus group for feedback.
- Begin development of code with provided HTML
- Approval Foundation
- Test bigger/more complex requests that include Banner, LDAP, and EDW profiles to ensure reconciliation pages and workflows are functioning correctly.
- Audit Queries
- Continue with Identifying new profiles (names and descriptions) for queries with no current profile associated and add to spreadsheet.
- Backlog Refinement