A working group at UIF has been hard at work revamping UIF Online. Designed and developed to improve communications and create a more robust one-stop-shop for UIDP resources, the new and improved UIF Online site will launch in late June/early July. The re-tooled site will contain a broad spectrum of items including news, announcements, gift planning resources, gift forms, policies and procedures, calendars, social media feeds, and much more. It also includes links to important tools such as TED, iLearn, and others that are critical to your daily work.
This “reboot” of UIF Online will be accessible from its current web address (https://online.uif.uillinois.edu). For your convenience, a link to UIF Online will also be added to the footer of the UIF homepage.
The site will be updated regularly so please visit often to stay current on the latest advancement resources. We look forward to growing this site over time, and with our UIDP community in mind. If you have any questions please contact Sue Johnson at johnso16@uif.uillinois.edu.