As the end of the calendar year approaches, please remember to advise your donors who wish to make a gift by credit card to use a unit or University giving site. Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover are the accepted credit cards. Digital wallet options of Apple Pay, Visa Checkout, MasterPass or American Express are also accepted. Please note that for gifts, the credit card will be charged immediately. For recurring credit card commitments, the donor selects the start date of their recurring commitment, either a future 1st or 15th of a month.
Are you designing a new giving site or page for or in the new year? Preparing to add or update gift options on your existing giving site or page? Or updating the URL of your site to make it easier to find? Please include creditcardsignup@uif.uillinois.edu in your plans. A review and test of the new site/page or the changes, updates or additions to your existing site or page is required and will ensure all information is flowing smoothly through the giving process, ensuring an optimum donor experience and an accurate and timely tax receipt.